Tag Archive for: karachi

An Exclusive Interview With Arieb Azhar: The In Tune Environmentalist

This week, we had the opportunity to interview Arieb Azhar, a well-established musician in Pakistan and now Director at popular community space, T2F (The Second Floor). Having lived in Croatia for 13 years, Arieb is a melting pot of musical…

One Time Cleanup Drives or Sustained Long Term Efforts?

Since the inception of GarbageCAN, Sustainable Waste Management, we have been asked whether clean up drives or a long term effort is better. After three years in the business I have come to the conclusion that while both have their pros (there…

Awareness Week With GarbageCAN

When it comes to the environment and sustainability, awareness is key - this means acquiring the knowledge of a situation or fact. Awareness can come through education, but in a country like Pakistan that has the lowest literacy rates in the…